How to make great CV
Recommendations from HR expert for developers and not only
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Yandex is a strategic influencer of the IT industry and one of the TOP-5 employers for Skoltech graduates.

Yandex has developed more than 80 services that make people's lives comfortable — from browsers to self driving сars and voice digital assistants.
Most services are based on technologies that use machine learning, voice-recognition, computer vision and others.

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  • About 50% of them are developers
  • Offices in 28 cities of 9 countries

    Together with Veronika Starkova, the head of the interns recruitment team for backend development, we have compiled recommendations on how to make great CV
    What are the main mistakes candidates make in their resumes?
    Young candidates often underestimate the significance of their achievements. Many people think that work experience is only when you were paid for work. In fact, this is not the case.

    If the candidate has recently graduated from a university or is still studying at the last courses, then it is normal not to have a lot of work experience in the company. Recruiters understand that studying requires a lot of energy and time. In this case, it will be important for the recruiter to understand what the candidate was doing during his studies, what are his interests?

    Don't forget to include your MSc or/and PhD work in CV.

    The second common mistake is related to the fact that candidates describe their achievements abstractly.
    The recruiter looks through a lot of resumes a day and on average, spends about 10-20 seconds for 1 resume.
    Therefore, it is very important to create "anchors" to catch the attention of the recruiter. These can be quantitative indicators, the names of the programs you have worked with, the names of the companies in which you have internship, etc.
    What should candidate specify if he or she has no work experience?
    As I said, work experience is not limited only to the traditional understanding of the work for which you are paid.
    Participation in educational projects, work on a dissertation, student organizations are also could be considered as a work experience.

    It is important that the candidate does not just indicate everything he has done in life, but highlights the relevant experience that is required for the positions he is applying for.

    Be sure to indicate the experience of participating in hackathons and other competitions. Describe it the way you would describe your job at the company.
    You can specify how you improved your teamwork skills when you were on the student council. Or what programs you worked during educational project.

    Also, specify your pet projects. For example, if a candidate has blog on YouTube or in a Telegram about his science interests, then this perfectly characterizes the proactive position of the candidate.

    Do I need to prepare different resumes for different companies? Or should one be universal?
    Firstly, depending on a particular position, you can place different accents in your resume. You can create one big resume that will include all your experience and on its basis make short versions adapted to different vacancies.

    For example, for some positions, such as project management, it is important to describe your soft skills well. While for the developer, it is worth paying more attention to the description of hard skills.

    Secondly, if you adapt your resume to a specific company, it shows your motivation to work in it. For example, you can specify the name of the position you are applying for in the header of your resume.

    Remember, the task of a resume is to draw attention to your candidacy. You will be able to tell all the details about your experience at the interview.
    But in your resume, try to describe the most relevant experience.

    What should be in CV
    • First and Last Name
    • Contacts
    • Education
    • Technical skills
    • Projects
    • Work experience (if any)
    • Achievements (Hackathons, competitions etc)
    • Link to github or other career-related personal blog
    What recommendations will you give for a good resume?
    • One page
    • Format - PDF
    • Check templates on overleaf
    • The photo is optional
    • Check your contacts carefully, it is better to have several
    • Specify only relevant experience and achievements
    • Specify the level of proficiency in the technologies that you specify
    The Skoltech Career Center thanks Yandex colleagues Veronika Starkova and Alina Murashova for this interview and support.